AA Car Breakdown Number

AA Car Breakdown Number | 0843 515 9091

AA Car Breakdown Number

0843 515 9091

Call our AA Car Breakdown Number connection service. Calls cost 7p/min plus your phone operators access charge. If your car has broken down and you require assistance quickly, or if you would like to arrange cover then call AA Car Breakdown Contact Number – 0843 515 9091 now. We are not affiliated with the AA.

The AA is one of the UK’s largest and reputable breakdown services. Some people refer to them as the ‘4th Emergency Service’, providing assistance and recovery regardless of location or weather. The AA also claim to fix 4 out of 5 problems at the scene of the breakdown. With claims like that, you’d be crazy not to call the AA Car Breakdown Number now to find out more.

When you call the AA Car Breakdown Number you will have two options to choose from, using the buttons on your keypad. If you already have AA Breakdown Cover then you should select Option 1. If you are not already covered then select Option 2. Choosing the correct option is essential so that you are put through to the right advisor. If you require immediate help with your broken down vehicle then AA Car Breakdown Contact – 0843 515 9091 is the number to call.

AA Car Breakdown Contact Number – Opening Hours

You can call the AA Car Break Down Number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0843 515 9091. To arrange to have your vehicle recovered as soon as possible, call now.

History Of The AA

The AA is the UK’s leading vehicle breakdown and recovery service operating around 3,000 patrols around Britain.

The AA (Automobile Association) was created in 1905 to assist drivers avoid police speed traps across the UK in repose to the Motor Car Act, cracking down on reckless driving. The AA has been heavily involved in the rights of drivers and car safety and was involved in protests after the war against petrol rationing. They were also heavily involved in protesting to make wearing a seatbelt a legal requirement.

They became a private company in 1999 and was subsequently taken over by Centrica the same year. It became a charitable trust to continue the public interest in motoring and driver safety.

AA Membership

The AA has different types of membership depending on what breakdown cover you wish to get.

Basic Breakdown Cover:

  • Roadside assistance (24/7)
  • If your car can’t is repaired at the side of the road then they will take your car to a local garage to be fixed.
  • Cover for 1 call-out a year
  • £99 for any extra call outs

Breakdown Membership:

This is the standard level of breakdown cover from the AA. this is flexible and you can customise what you want covered to meet your needs. It includes:

  • Roadside assistance (24/7)
  • If your car can’t be repaired at the side of the road then they will take your car to a local garage to be fixed
  • Unlimited call-outs
  • Free fuel top ups
  • Mud and snow recovery
  • Up to £5 worth of free parts for roadside repairs
  • 20% off selected restaurants, pubs, and service stations when you show your membership card

Instant Breakdown Cover:

Even if you are not a member of the AA you will still be covered if anything goes wrong. You can call the customer service team on 0843 515 9091 to join up to instant breakdown cover. If you have broken down and are not already a member of the AA then you will not be able to buy standard UK cover when you try to join. Instant breakdown cover gives you:

  • 1 car is covered for roadside assistance 24/7
  • One extra call out to use that year
  • Towing to a local garage if the car can’t be fixed at the roadside

Other Types Of Cover

You can also get cover for driving in Europe if you have any trips planned. With over 40,000 garages across Europe, you will never be stranded if anything goes wrong. You can get cover for a single trip with the dates of your choice, or you can buy annual cover for the whole year if the trips are regular.

Business Breakdown Cover

This is great for businesses to ensure your fleet of vehicles are protected and safe in case anything goes wrong. That way you can put your mind at rest.


Where will I be covered in Europe?

There are 3 different zones for you to pick from:

Zone 1 covers 8 different counties:

Andorra, Belgium, Channel Islands, France, Germany, Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland

Zone 2 covers 17 different countries:

Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, San Marino, Spain (exc. Ceuto & Melilla), Switzerland, Vatican City

Zone 3 covers all countries within Europe so you can rest assured when traveling.

What does the AA offer?

They are the largest breakdown cover within the UK and are fast and reliable when you need it the most. There is no charge for roadside assistance and you can get various breakdown plans and policies making it flexible and easy to find the right cover for you.

Will I be able to change my level of cover after buying my policy?

Yes, it is best to contact the customer service team to speak to someone about the ways you can change the level of your policy. Contact them on… and someone will be happy to help.

When will I be covered from after buying my policy with the AA?

Once you have purchased your breakdown cover you will be covered immediately.

Will I be covered if I do not have a policy with the AA?

Yes. If you are not already a member of the AA and run into car troubles, you can contact the AA and get roadside assistance.

If you experience problems with this AA Breakdown Helpline, please contact us. We aim to keep the information on this website as up-to-date as possible.

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